The Migrant Kitchen Season I
"The Migrant Kitchen" is an Emmy®-winning food series that explores Los Angeles’ booming food scene through the eyes of a new generation of chefs whose cuisine is inspired by the immigrant experience. Visit the kitchens of those who have transformed the culinary landscape of the city, combining traditional ethnic cuisines and a fusion of new flavors and techniques to make Los Angeles one of the food capitals of the world.
In each kitchen is a personal story, and in Los Angeles, a city built on immigration, the journeys of migrants are constantly transforming the city’s landscape. By combining customs from their old country with the new, the inhabitants of Los Angeles are forging a new culture unique to the city.
69th Los Angeles Area Emmy® Awards: Best L.A. Local Color
69th Los Angeles Area Emmy® Awards: Outstanding Creative Tech Crafts – Music Composition
James Beard Foundation Awards