The Migrant Kitchen Season Iv
"The Migrant Kitchen" is an Emmy®-winning documentary series that explores America’s booming food scene through the eyes of a new generation of chefs whose cuisine is inspired by the immigrant experience. Visit the kitchens of those who have transformed the culinary landscape of this country with traditional ethnic cuisines and a fusion of new flavors and techniques. "The Migrant Kitchen" is produced in association with Life & Thyme.
s4:e1 Los Angeles Taiwanese Food
Taiwanese food is poised to experience a renaissance at Los Angeles’s Kato, where chef Jon Yao aims to be the first 3 Michelin-level Taiwanese American restaurant in the US. At Kato, Jon draws on his experience growing up in the San Gabriel Valley, fusing his heritage with produce from Southern California's cutting-edge farmers while educating diners on the nuances of this unique regional cuisine.
s4:e2 portland russian food
In Portland, Oregon, a long-misunderstood culture of Russia finds a fresh audience and following at Katchka, a restaurant that celebrates both chef Bonnie Morales’ roots as well as the particular Pacific Northwest bounty.
s4:e3 Puerto Rico food sovereignty
In Puerto Rico, chefs like José Enrique work with farmers and their communities to rescue a vibrant culture from a history of colonialism and agricultural oppression, all while creating opportunities for a more independent and self-sufficient future.
s4:e4 houston african american FOOD-WAYS
Soul food has long been a polarizing stereotype, limiting conversation about the resiliency of the Black identity. In Houston, Texas, chefs Chris Williams of the renowned Lucille’s and Jonny Rhodes of Indigo are on a mission to empower the Black community of Texas through entrepreneurialism, while fighting agricultural oppression and uplifting African American foodways.
s4:e5 brooklyn korean food
In Brooklyn, New York, a long tradition of female-driven food customs that began centuries ago in South Korea enters a new era in the hands of two powerful chefs, Jenny Kwak of Haenyeo and Sohui Kim of Insa.